5 Fun Ways to Boost Your Children's Speech and Language Skills This Summer!

Boost your child's language skills this summer with these 5 fun activities. Incorporate them into your daily routine to enhance communication and vocabulary. Celebrate each milestone as your child learns new words and expresses themselves better. Mix activities creatively and consistently for the best results. By fall, you'll be amazed at your child's progress. Get ready for a summer of learning and laughter!

Turn Summer Adventures into Language-Learning Opportunities

  • Nature walks

  • Going to the park

  • Going to the pool

  • Helps with vocabulary building, language use such as grammar, and social skills with other children

Cook Up Some Language Skills in the Kitchen

  • Cooking activities for language development

  • Recipe reading skills

  • Vocabulary expansion

  • Helps with literacy skills, following directions, executive functioning, and vocabulary

Dive into Reading: Summer Book Clubs and Storytelling Sessions

  • Reading contest (e.g., who can read the most books by the summer with a reward).

  • Summer reading programs

  • Family storytelling time’

  • Interactive read-aloud

  • Helps with literacy skills, receptive language, and vocabulary

Incorporate Speech Sound practice into your daily routine!

  • Daily Hygiene routine: Put a sticky note on the mirror with 5 of your child’s target words. Practice right after brushing teeth. The sensory input of teeth brushing can “wake up the mouth” and create more sensory awareness which helps your child produce their target sound.

  • During travel, whether you’re waiting in the car at a red light or waiting for a plane at the airport, you can have fun by trying to name as many things as you can see with your child’s target sound.

  • Helps with speech sound production, language, vocabulary

Organize Play Dates and Social Activities for Real-World Practice

  • Set up a home theater for the children to put on a play, puppet show, or tell a story

  • Play games like Scrabble, Cranium, Scattegories, Taboo, Hedbanz, etc.

  • Helps with social skills development, peer interaction, conversation skills

If this isn’t available to you, contact sarah@globaleducationtherapy to learn more about her social skills group.

Conclusion: Celebrate Your Child's Summer of Language Growth!

In conclusion, these 5 fun activities offer an engaging way to enhance your child's language skills during the summer months. By integrating them into your daily routine, celebrating milestones, and maintaining consistency, you can foster significant improvements in your child's communication and vocabulary. As you embark on this journey of learning and laughter, remember that creativity and persistence are key. With dedication and enthusiasm, you'll likely witness remarkable progress in your child's language abilities by the time fall arrives.



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