Global Education Therapy
Become a GET School
What You GET with Global Education Therapy
What You GET with Global Education Therapy ~
GET can contract out our online Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Reading Intervention, and Educational Support all for one price hourly or monthly!
GET Will Provide…
Unlimited free teacher and parent collaboration through Zoom consults
Discounted assessments, IEP assistance, parent-teacher meetings, and teacher/paraprofessional training
Free online in-service and training to CTLAcademy staff and families 1-2 times a school year
Free case management and tracking logistics
Parent support groups (CTLAcademy parents can organize their own times and dates through GET)
Webinars (CTLAcademy parents can suggest and request topics and speakers)
Tutorial Videos (CTLAcademy parents can suggest and request topics)
Handouts (CTLAcademy parents can suggest and request topics)
Educational/support partnerships: Parent advocacy, counseling, Psychological testing, and behavior managementn text goes here
Our online speech programs
Our writing worksheets
Study skills tools
Free publicity on our website and all of our social media accounts (i.e. facebook, Youtube, instagram, etc), and our video media content (i.e. youtube and podcasts)
Parent referrals to CTLAcademy (both in person and online) for our expat, TCK, state department, consulate, and military families.
Being featured on our newsletter and blog at least 1-4 times a year.
How to GET started:
Have a preliminary meeting with Q& A
Have a second meeting with Erin Long and School Administration
Contract review and signing
GET the help your school needs!