GET January Newsletter: New Year’s Resolutions and GET Updates

Happy New Year, Parents and Guardians!

As we embark on a brand new year, it's a perfect time to inspire our little ones to set meaningful goals and embrace the power of resolutions. Resolutions provide an opportunity for personal growth, instilling valuable life lessons in our children from an early age.

Why are Resolutions Important?

Resolutions empower kids to develop important skills such as discipline, perseverance, and self-reflection. They teach them the value of setting goals and working towards achieving them. By encouraging resolutions in children, we nurture their ability to dream big and cultivate a proactive mindset that will serve them well throughout their lives.

Examples of New Year's Resolutions for Kids:

1. Being Kind: Encourage your child to be kinder by performing acts of kindness daily, such as sharing toys or helping others with their schoolwork.

2. Healthy Habits: Inspire your little one to adopt healthier habits by eating more fruits and vegetables, exercising regularly, or reducing screen time.

3. Reading Challenge: Motivate your child to read more books by setting a reading goal for the year or exploring different genres.

Tips: Make your New Year’s resolutions measurable! Use a sticker chart, calendar, or journal to check off the days you made progress toward your resolution. For example:

  • Instead of “I will be kind,” try, “I will do something nice for someone at least once a day.”

  • Instead of “I will exercise more,” try, “I will move my body daily.”

  • Instead of “I will eat healthier” try, “I will try something new once a week.”

  • Instead of “I will read more,” try, “I will read for at least 30 minutes on Sundays before bed.”

Coming soon: Online Pre-Recorded Webinar for Psychoeducational Testing

Are you in search of online psychoeducational testing options? Look no further! We are excited to introduce our comprehensive online pre-recorded webinar that dives deep into the world of psychoeducational testing.

This webinar is designed specifically for parents like you who are seeking guidance and understanding about psychoeducational testing for their children. Our expert panel will walk you through the process step-by-step, providing valuable insights into its benefits and how it can support your child's educational journey.

Don't miss this opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of psychoeducational testing from the comfort of your own home! Stay tuned to unlock vital knowledge that can positively impact your child's educational experience.

Wishing you a prosperous year filled with growth and learning!

Warm regards,

Global Education Therapy


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