Global Education Therapy
GET Educational Support
GET’s online services increase accessibility to quality educators in every timezone!
GET Educational Support
Online Reading Intervention
With Global Education Therapy’s online reading intervention services, every child can access support to become more successful in:
Phonics: understanding the relationships between the letters of written language and the sounds of spoken language.
Reading Fluency: Reading with speed, accuracy, & expression.
Reading Comprehension: Understanding what they’ve read
Encoding: Using individual sounds to build and write words
Decoding: Translating printed words to sounds or reading
With Global Education Therapy’s online reading intervention program, every child can access the following services:
Full Reading Evaluations
Direct Intervention/tutoring online in the home or school
Access to state-of-the-art programs for building effective reading skills
Goal-setting with family and educators
Family-centered intervention
Consultation and training with family and/or teacher
Developing IEP equivalents
Online Tutoring Services
With Global Education Therapy’s online tutoring services, every child can access learning support to become more successful in:
Math: Learning the vocabulary of mathematics to understand more advanced concepts and guide them on how to tackle their math homework.
Writing: Written communication skills, learning how to communicate their thoughts and feelings in an organized fashion, test-taking skills, and building confidence!
History: Study skills, contextualization, corroboration, close reading
With Global Education Therapy’s online tutoring services, every child can access the following services:
Direct Intervention/tutoring online in the home or school
Goal-setting with family and educators
Family-centered intervention
Consultation and training with family and/or teacher
Developing IEP equivalents