Meet Our Newest Sponsor: Embrace Behavior Change

We are excited to announce a new sponsorship with Embrace Behavior Change. We asked the founder, Sharoya Ham, a few questions to help our clients get to know her and her company!

  1. Tell us a little about yourself.

2. What does behavior change mean to you?

Aligning the language, routines, and activities in your home to promote the behaviors you want to see in your child and family life.

3. What inspired you to become a parent coach for behavior change?

I realized that parents of children with special needs were often so overwhelmed by day-to-day challenges that they struggled to grow their child's independence. I aim to show parents how to expand their child's toolbox of life skills. My goal is for parents to do less and less as their children take on more responsibilities and develop their sense of agency.

4. What's something you wish all parents knew about advocating for their child?

I wish they knew how much they can empower and build a child’s self-esteem by allowing the child to self-advocate at the earliest age possible. Our children's confidence grows when we give them opportunities to overcome their own challenges. (e.g., “This isn’t working for me, can I try it this way?”)

5. What services do you provide to parents?

  • Services: Online Coaching

    • Parent Coaching: working with parents exclusively

    • Family Coaching: working with the whole family

    • I do not provide coaching to children without parental participation.

    • As an expat myself, I am experienced in working with the ex-pat community.

6. What can parents gain from working with you? 

Learn what to do, say, and when to do it. I strive to teach parents how to keep calm, take notes, and connect the dots.

To wrap up here, Global Education Therapy is so grateful to be working with a company whose values line up
with our own. Want to learn more? Head to
Embrace Behavior Change’s website!


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