GET Help: Why isn’t my toddler talking?

Have you ever heard the term, “Late Talker” and wondered what exactly “late” means?

Have you been worried that your toddler hasn’t said a word yet?  Or maybe your toddler can only say “mama” or “papa” but nothing else?  Have you been reviewing the speech and communication development milestones over and over again on your phone?  Have you been considering talking to your pediatrician about getting a speech therapy referral?  At Global Education Therapy, we will go over the warning signs and some basic vocabulary to help you decide if your child needs to see a speech language therapist!

What are the warning signs that my child needs to get a speech evaluation?

Warning signs that your child may have a speech and language delay:

  • Less than 50 words and no word combinations as mentioned above

  • Limited number of consonant sounds (e.g. p,b, t, d, n, y, k, g)

  • Does not link pretend ideas and actions together while playing

  • Does not imitate words

  • Uses mostly nouns and few verbs

  • Difficulty playing with peers

  • Uses few gestures to communicate

NOTE: Expressive language is the “output” of language such as expressing wants and needs through verbal or nonverbal communication. On the other hand, receptive language is comprehension. Typically late talkers can comprehend and understand more than they can express (e.g. receptive language is not significantly delayed, but expressive is).

Why is my child a “late talker”?

It is still unclear as to why 1/3 of late talkers develop a language impairment. It may be related to those who present with more warning signs such as:

  • Gender: Boys are at higher risk for LLE than girls.

  • Motor development: Late talkers were found to have delayed motor development (in absence of disorders/syndromes associated with motor delays) when compared to typically developing children.

  • Birth status: Children born with less than 85% of their optimum birth weight or earlier than 37 weeks gestation are at higher risk.

  • Early language development: Language abilities at 12 months is a good predictor of communication skills at 24 months.

  • Family history of late talkers: It has been suggested there is a genetic component to LLE.

  • Maternal education and Social Economic Status (SES): Lower maternal education and SES is associated with a higher risk.

  • Recurrent ear infections: Research suggests that early recurrent otitis media (ear infections) may result in delays in language development.

What is a “late talker”?

 A late talker, also known as late language emergence (LLE), is defined as having delayed expressive language in toddler years (e.g. fewer than 50 words and no word combinations, or falling below the 10th percentile in word use at 24-30 months). Typically late talkers can comprehend and understand more than they can express (e.g. receptive language is not significantly delayed, but expressive is).On average, late talkers are identified around 24 months.

Will my child grow out of it?

On a positive note, around 2/3 of late talkers fall within the normal range by preschool.  Some late talkers who catch up may continue to have some weaknesses in certain language and literacy skills such as:

  • Vocabulary

  • Grammar

  • Reading

  • Understanding or creating stories

  • Writing

  • Listening Comprehension

  • Social skills

  • Executive functioning skills

What are some things that help improve speech and language communication skills in my child?

  • Access to pre-, peri-, and postnatal care

  • Learning opportunities such as:

    • exposure to rich and varied vocab and discourse patterns

    • responsive learning environments

    • access to printed materials

    • involvement in structured and unstructured group play and conversations

    • engagement in fine motor activities

    • access to communication supports or services as needed.

My child has signs of a speech language delay, what now?

If a child has any of the above risk factors or signs, it is recommended that you consult a speech-language pathologist (SLP). Many parents, whose child seems to be typically developing in every other way, are told not to worry by family members, friends, or the internet. For some, their pediatrician has even advised waiting until at least 2 years old before seeking help. This “wait-and-see” approach is a widespread misconception about language development. While there is great variability at this age, if a child doesn’t meet certain milestones, you are better safe than sorry. Speech therapy for your child can only help, whereas waiting may impede language development. Helping late talkers and children who have warning signs of speech language delays or disorders as early as possible can really make a difference!  Speech therapy can also help improve your child’s skills and abilities in speech and communication in the long run.

In addition…

It is important to have your child’s hearing evaluated by an audiologist. Even if you believe your child is hearing just fine, it is important to know if they are hearing sounds at a variety of volumes and pitches. Hearing impairments, even if very mild, can cause difficulty with speech and language development.

What can a Speech Therapist do to help children with possible language and speech delays or disorders?

As a Speech language pathologist, a key component to the success of treatment is working closely with families. During speech therapy we like to gather include: family concerns and what they hope to accomplish, determining parents ideas of the child’s strengths and weaknesses, and available resources.

There are a number of different approaches and strategies we use during a speech therapy session. Speech therapy sessions may be clinician-directed (e.g. drill-based), child-centered (e.g. play-based and include everyday natural settings), or a combination of both. Augmentative or alternative communication (AAC) methods may be an option as a temporary means of communication until they are able to produce speech. Whatever technique is used, Speech Language Therapists have to make sure it is appropriate for the cultural background of the child, that the family is also considered, and prioritize treatment techniques that are evidence-based.

What are 7 top ways I can help my child?

Below are some tips and guidelines to help your child develop language. These are not meant to be used as a replacement for therapy but can aid in development. In addition, your SLP will typically provide parent education regarding tips and tricks to help with the progression of therapy and provide carry-over activities to practice outside of the sessions.

  1. Self Talk

Talk about EVERYTHING! Talk about what you’re doing, describe what you’re holding, actions you perform, what you see, how you feel, and what you hear, smell, and taste! Your child will learn by hearing you talk about all those things. The key is to keep your descriptions short, sweet, and to the point. Typically you want to match the length of your phrases/sentences the same or slightly longer than your child speaks (e.g. if your child does not speak at all or speaks in 1-word utterances, you should speak in one-word or two-word phrases like, “Ball. Throw. Throw ball!”

2. Parallel Talk

Parallel talk is similar to self-talk but rather than talking about what you’re doing, you talk about what your child is doing! For example, if your child is stacking blocks quietly you could say, “Stack blocks!”

3. Expansions

With this strategy, you build upon your child’s speech or gestures. Take whatever your child says and add one word to is. For example, if your child says “Ball” you could say “want ball,” “red ball,” “throw ball,” etc.

4. Sabotage the Environment

The word sabotaging may sound a bit odd, but it is a great technique to increase language learning opportunities! All you're doing is setting up a play situation/activity so that your child will need your help. Here are some easy ways to try it in your home: Place toys/games/books in bins with lids Place toys/games/books on shelves your kiddo can't reach Set up puzzle pieces, magnetic tiles, or Legos just out of your child's reach during playtime. Learn more by downloading our FREE PARENT HANDOUT!

5. Multimodal Approach

Multimodal language learning is an approach used to encourage communicative intent and interactions. It incorporates spoken words, signs, pictures, gestures, and written words when communicating with your child. For example, signing while saying a spoken word or choosing a picture card while saying a word, etc. Learn more by downloading our FREE PARENT HANDOUT!

6. Interactive reading

Read beyond the words on the page. The goal is to have a conversation with your child about the current page before moving to the next one. If your child has not begun talking, you will take on the role of a narrator, helping your child soak up some new vocabulary! Learn more by downloading our FREE PARENT HANDOUT!

7.  Get a free consultation at Global Education Therapy

At Global Education Therapy, we have Speech Therapists who are well-versed in online early intervention and speech therapy. Schedule a free consultation to learn more about our services!


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