GET Inclusive: How Online Therapy Can Encourage Diverse Learning Support Teams in International Schools

Is your child's international school lacking a diverse learning support team? Do they not have local English-speaking therapists available for school-based sessions? If this is the case, don't worry! Keep reading to discover how school-based teletherapy could be the perfect solution for your child's needs.

How is school-based therapy different from home-based therapy?

Each therapy session is a remarkable chance to nourish your child's development in countless ways. By addressing their concerns both at home and at school, we can build a harmonious connection that empowers them to conquer their unique challenges in the environments they know best. Let us join forces and unlock the full potential of your extraordinary child!

As kids spend more time at school, issues come up that you might not see at home. After all, your home environment does not have the same social pressures or emotional challenges that he or she might encounter in their classroom.

What can teletherapy offer your child at school?

  1. Portability: Teletherapy brings a beautiful advantage - it allows therapists to support your child even at school. By observing them in their natural environment, therapists gain valuable insights that may be missed otherwise. This ensures accurate assessment and effective support for your child's growth.

  2. Communication: Connecting your child's therapist and teacher is a priceless asset for their education. As a parent, you can embrace your role as their advocate. This empowers you to focus on what truly matters: nurturing and supporting your child's journey every step of the way.**Always request to be copied into all communication about your child. Transparency is key in this open system of support where everybody is kept informed with a united approach.

  3. Additional Support: Additional support can bridge any gaps they may be experiencing in school. Although not all international schools have on-site therapy teams, many have partnerships with local clinics or a list of therapists for referrals. Don't hesitate to explore this option and give your child the support they truly deserve!

  4. Collaboration: With virtual therapists, you are moving with your own portable learning support team. Open communication with these therapists who are already familiar with your child can often put schools at ease by preparing a transition protocol.

Online sessions during school hours require coordination and strategy but it’s not impossible! 

School hours take up the best focus and attention out of the kids. This is another reason why therapy at school makes sense especially if you find that your child is too tired after school. 

Here are some questions to go over with your child’s teacher or learning support coordinator or both to make teletherapy work at school:

  • What is the student struggling with most at school right now?

  • What has worked and what hasn’t worked to improve this situation?

  • Who can regularly join sessions to support the continued use of strategies in the classroom? — classroom assistant, personal aide, tutor.

  • Is there a computer or tablet available for my child? or should we organize to bring or keep it there?

  • What’s the best time to have teletherapy sessions? 

If you’d like to learn more about the teletherapy services provided by Global Education Therapy, Sign up for a free consultation!


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GET Help Abroad: Global Education Therapy and the Mobile Community